Something Strange and Deadly

Something Strange and Deadly - Originally posted at yAdultReviewSomething Tina hates about me, other than the fact that I use “sorry I’m being selfish” in the wrong way, is I must finish a book. If I start a book I have to finish it. Very rarely do I not finish (DNF) a book. That being said, multiple times I kept almost DNF’ing this book. And finally at 63% I gave up. I took my bookmark out, closed the book, and sighed a happy sigh.My friends on Goodreads gave this book glowing and rave reviews, and I know I should have thoroughly enjoyed it. But I couldn’t. It is not a me book. At all. I would often put the book down, pick it up again and go “okay, what happened?” I just didn’t find myself invested in these characters at all. Despite that, it was still a solid book. Dennard is a strong solid writer that I will love to read more from, just not this series.I honestly can not tell you a thing about this book. There is a girl? And two love interests? And some undead? For someone who remembers the most random details about a book, this is not a good sign for this series. Which, again, is sad because so many of my friends loved and adored this book.